September 23, 2016, DCist, ''What's Going On? Voices Of Shaw' Wants To Bridge A Community In Transition' by Pat Padua
Feb 8, 2012, DC Cheer Shows Local Arts Institutions Some Love, Washingtonian Magazine, by Ayesha Venkataraman
September 25, 2015, B'more Art, 'D.C.'s New Art Frontier' Interview by Paul Shortt
April 18, 2012, The White House Blog (Barack Obama), 'Painting a New Picture of D.C.' by Ronnie Cho
Sept 5, 2012, PRINTERESTING, CTRL+P: New Directions in Printmaking, by Amzee Emmons
July 20, 2012, CTRL+P: New Directions in Printmaking, by Liz Markus